Delivery updates, a one day store closure and more news from VG Meats

Hello friends and neighbours! We hope you’re all doing well and remaining healthy during this unique and challenging time. As you likely know, things have been very busy at VG Meats as we continue to operate in order to help feed our community. We’ve implemented additional cleaning and sanitation procedures in response to Covid-19 (read about that here, if you missed it) and are doing our best to keep up with increased demand. As this is an evolving situation, we wanted to share a few timely updates to keep our customers informed. Thanks for reading, and let us know if you have any questions!
Your delivery may be delayed
Delivery requests through are booming as many customers are choosing to stay healthy by staying home. Our team is working hard to get deliveries out as quickly as possible, but some orders may be delayed between two and four days due to high volume. Thank you for your patience and understanding - we are doing our best to minimize these wait times and get those deliveries out ASAP!
We’re adding to our team!
In order to keep up with demand, we’re adding to our team. All applicants must be qualified and meet strict Covid-19 screenings (no symptoms, no recent travel, a willingness to closely adhere to self distancing guidelines and cleaning/sanitation practices). Please visit our careers page to learn more about this opportunity.
Our Stoney Creek store will be closed on Monday, March 30th
In order to facilitate a full restock of the store, our retail location in Stoney Creek will be closed on Monday, March 30th. The stores will be given an extra deep clean and restocked at this time. You can continue to order online via or visit us in store after this date. Please note that we have modified hours at this time to allow for extra cleaning and sanitizing measures.
Thanks again for your patience and positivity. Stay healthy, and please call or message us on Facebook if you have any questions!