An update from VG Meats: sanitation practices, home delivery and more

With the COVID-19 situation leading to increasing preventative measures across Canada and around the world, it’s been an unusual and somewhat stressful week for many of our customers. There’s been a lot of information and emotion to process, particularly when the news began to hit closer to home. Many of us have had to make work-related adjustments and now, it’s been confirmed that children in Ontario will be off school for the next three weeks. It’s definitely not “business as usual” for Ontarians, but that said, we’re glad that this health crisis is being handled swiftly and that these precautions are being taken. It may be a challenging month ahead, but in the long run, we believe this too shall pass.
Safety is always our priority
As a food producer, we have always been extremely diligent about food safety, frequent handwashing, sanitation and other matters that contribute to public health. We have long-standing routines that exceed the minimum standard, and in recent days, we’re increased those measures even further. For example, in addition to the usual cleaning and sanitization routines we practice on the farm, in our plant and in our retail stores, we are now sanitizing surfaces every half hour. This includes the entire retail store kitchen and food prep area as well as counters and other surfaces on the customer-facing side. We’re sanitizing fridge and freezer doors, the entrance to our store, the cash register area and other high-touch or high traffic areas.
Our team has always worn gloves while handling food and it is normal for us to practice thorough hand washing and sanitizing routines. We will continue to make this a priority during the COVID-19 situation and beyond, as cleanliness is a cornerstone of our business. In short, your safety has always mattered to us, and we are proud to offer cleanliness you can trust.
Avoiding stores? We can deliver.
If you want to shop in store, we’d be happy to see you - we’ve taken all the necessary precautions and then some, and we’re confident that our cleaning practices will exceed your expectations. That said, we understand the stress this situation is creating for many people and are happy to provide home delivery that employs the same stringent cleaning and sanitation routines. If you’re choosing to avoid crowds or public spaces, please consider placing an order online at We are pleased to offer home delivery to over 55 locations across Southern Ontario. We have implemented additional handwashing and hand sanitization processes with our delivery team. We can hand deliver your order or simply leave it on your porch - whatever you’re most comfortable with. Please feel free to call us at the store if you have any questions - we’d be happy to help!
Remember: it’s going to be ok.
The main message we want to get across here today is that things are going to be ok. Times may feel uncertain, but this situation is temporary. When it comes down to it, we’re very privileged to live in a country where we have the resources to identify the illness in individuals and take adequate precautions. We have a community that cares for one another, and that’s invaluable. Let’s try to remember this on days we feel frustrated - while it’s a strange time in many ways, there is much reason to feel gratitude and hope.
Thanks for reading, and all the best from the entire VG Meats team.