Get to know the VG brothers: Kevin

Get to know the VG brothers: Kevin

If you’re a longtime VG Meats’ customer, you’re probably somewhat familiar with our story. VG Meats is a fourth generation family business that is currently run by four brothers: Cory, Chad, Kyle and Kevin Van Groningen. We learned everything we know from our parents and grandparents, and we love what we do.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be introducing you to each of the brothers individually by getting them to answer ten questions about life, business and their role at VG Meats. Today, we’re starting with the youngest — Kevin.

How would you describe your role in the business?

Like my brothers, I am here to ensure we succeed. What that means for me specifically is changing. Team building, leadership to new key positions — this has been the recent role I am filling.

How would you describe your place in the family?

Fourth born! If you are a sibling, you know how birth order affects things. If you are not a sibling, then you are an only child. No words for you.

Tell us about your own family.

My wife is Morgan and our kids are seven-year-old August, four-year-old Ocean and Daisy, who is almost 1.

Who do you look up to?

My parents. Having four sons and running a business while being outstanding community members and all around good people — that's superhuman, in my opinion!

What are your hobbies?

Home improvement projects, fishing and working on the business.

Do you have a favourite book, movie, television show or band?

Tragically Hip and even more so now, Gordie's independent albums.

What’s your favourite thing to cook (or eat)?

So many things! Anything on an open fire is pretty fun, or in a pizza oven, some many ways to have fun with food. People know our household for steak sampling, Caesar salad from scratch, and Tutu's rice.

(‘Tutu’ is what the kids call Morgan's mom.)

If you weren’t in the family business, what would you be doing?

I love what I do with my brothers at VG Meats, but if I wasn't in the family business, I would be a full-time fisherman.

What is your favourite thing about VG Meats?

The big picture! Regenerating the land and communities, a system that creates abundance.